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Diva Distro USB

January 2016
You can find help in this G+ Community.

February 3, 2016 – Work in Progress. Subscribe to let wordpress notify you, when I write a post announcing the tutorial is finished.

Diva USB – Part I

As sub menus under this page you will find two Tutorials:

  1. How to install Diva USB from scratch – Part II
  2. How to run the pre-installed Diva USB – Part III

Both installations use Mowes and diva-r08210 Added 12/24/2015

  1. For both Tutorials I will use Firewall and Router ports 9000-9005 as example. If you use other ports, you need to replace my ports with yours.
  2.  I will use my domain/dyndns as an example. You replace them all with your own dydns or domain.
  3. These Tutorials are done in a Windows 10 computer. If your installation is Windows 7, 8 or Vista, the menus mentioned in my Tutorials might be different.
  4. I can only provide a tutorial for a system I use myself. I know nothing about Linux or Mac machines. If you do not use Windows, please ask in the G+ community above for help. There might be there other members using your system.


Windows 10 Firewall and Portforwarding
Opening Ports in your Firewall for Diva/Opensim.exe

TCP ports 9000,9001, 9002, 9003, 9004, 9005
UDP ports 9000, 9001, 9002, 9003, 9004, 9005
(9000 is for the first region. I am opening ports for 6 regions. Each region requires a unique port)

Open Windows Firewall by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, clicking Security, and then clicking Windows Firewall. Left side click on Advanced Settings.


In Advanced Settings, we are going to make a new Inbound Rule to open Ports TCP and UDP 9000-9005







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